Wednesday, July 24, 2013


I love Israel.  Sometimes it even feels like home. I know next week when it's time to leave I'll love it more than ever, and I know I'll miss it when I'm in the US.  But tonight I'm feeling homesick for my American life, and I'm going to write about that.

Things I miss most...

~Not feeling so stupid. It's more than just the language barrier (though that does make me feel stupid, there's something so demoralizing about never getting my coffee order quite right.), it's mostly not knowing when people are kidding and not knowing what people mean a lot.  I miss feeling competent.

~Things being open on Friday night and Saturday. Shabbat in Israel is INFURIATING. I miss not having to think hard about how I'm going to get somewhere or how I'm going to accomplish something on a Saturday.

~Mom, Dad, Jake, and Huxley. Home space where I don't feel like I'm imposing or have to ask permission for things.

~General shallow politeness.  People saying excuse me. People actually moving when YOU say excuse me. People asking before they reach into your bag of food and eat it.

~My friends, who know me. My colleagues, too.

~How beautiful and clean Boston is, and mostly, how well I know it, how comfortable I feel in it.

~People investing in me as a friend because they don't think I'm going to disappear and never see them again.

~Being around other humanities majors.

~Being around people who recognize the victory theme from FF7 when I sing it after accomplishing something.

~Fewer stray cats, especially their screaming all night.

~Having a home, not living out of a backpack, not worrying so much about my "stuff."

~Personal space. Alone time.


  1. We miss you too, sweetie. Your blog is magnificent, but there's nothing like having the best girl around. XXXOOO
